Saturday, June 27, 2015


This past Thursday evening, the forty-first Introductory Group Session at the Warrendale location of the Highmark Caring Place came to an end.  Marilyn and I had the honor of volunteering with this group, and over the course of the ten week session, we came to know some extraordinary children, teens, and adults.

As has become a tradition, on this final night each family member - child, teen, and adult - as well as each volunteer, completed a message to the Loved One that they had lost, attached that message to a balloon, and we all then gathered in the parking lot to release the balloons.

If I may, I would like to share that moment with you.

After ten weeks of getting to know each other, of sharing such personal thoughts and experiences, it really is a remarkable feeling that is shared among the children, teens, and adults - and the volunteers! -  whenever this release takes place.  No words of mine can describe it.

Remember, Children's Grief Awareness Day will be observed on Thursday, November 18.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Bob..I enjoy your blog because it remains positive even in this upside down world. Looking forward to seeing you at the Pirate games.

    1. Thanks, Donn. I appreciate your comment.
