Saturday, December 31, 2022
The Absent Friends of 2022 - A Final Salute
Friday, December 30, 2022
To Absent Friends - Pele

Thursday, December 22, 2022
To Absent Friends - Franco Harris
RIP Franco Harris.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Three Movies and A Streaming Series (no spoilers!)
Because so much is being covered today, these critiques will be shorter than usual. Here goes.....
"The White Lotus"
HBO has given us a second season of this Emmy Award winning series from 2021. (My thoughts on that season can be found HERE.) Season Two gives us more of the same: gorgeous scenery, this time in Sicily instead of Hawaii, beautiful, but not real likable people, twisty plot cliffhangers at the end of each of the seven episodes, and dead body at the very beginning, followed immediately by a flashback to "One Week Earlier".
There are three separate plot lines following (1) two very attractive, very rich young couples; the guys were college roommates who have both struck it rich in business, but will they remain friends, and will they remain happily married (if they ever were to begin with) as the week unfolds? (2) three generations of men from an Italian-American family (Oscar winner F. Murray Abraham is the grandfather and "The Sopranos" Michael Imperioli is his son) who are in Sicily to find their family roots, (3) Tonya McQuoid, played by the wonderful Jennifer Coolidge, the only recurring character from Season 1, who is at the White Lotus with her new husband, and (4) two beautiful - of course! - young Italian prostitutes who somehow manage to interact with all of them. Oh, and throw in the story of White Lotus resort manager Valentina, who makes some steps towards self-discovery herself. Mix it all up, and you have a wonderful melange of high quality soap opera-ish entertainment.
I think that I liked this season more than the first one, if for no other reason than many, but not all, of the characters in this season were people that you actually like and root for. This is not a spoiler, but when the three De Grasso men do discover their ancestral home and some of their cousins? Let's just say that the results are not what you would see in a Hallmark Channel movie.
The Grandstander gives this Three and One-half Stars, as he anxiously awaits Season Three in late 2023 or early 2024.
"See How They Run"
Two and One-Half Grandstander Stars.
"Weird: The Weird Al Yankovic Story"
"Weird" is an apt title for this movie. It is a send up of the kinds of movies we have seen in recent years about artists such a Freddie Mercury and Elton John, and told in the mockumentary style of "This is Spinal Tap". Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame plays the adult Al Yankovic, and he proves to be the exception to the Hollywood tale of child actors not being able to make it as adults and outgrow the childhood roles that made them famous. This is a fun movie and worth watching for two things alone: (1) how young Al's father deals with a door-to-door accordion salesman, and (2) the original song that Yankovic himself sings over the closing credits. If you're a person who leaves the theater or turns off the TV when the eight or nine minutes of credits start to roll, do NOT do so in this case. It's hilarious.
This movie is available only on the ROKU streaming service, which I just learned is free. Who knew? Not me.
Two and One-Half Stars from The Grandstander.
"A Christmas Story Christmas"
Did a sequel to the now classic 1983 film "A Christmas Story" really need to be made? Well, no it didn't, but that shouldn't stop fans of the first movie from seeing this. Peter Billingsly, who played the air rifle longing Ralphie back in '83 returns as the now adult Ralph Parker. The fact that Billingsly, who has spent most of his post-"Christmas Story" career as a producer got involved in this gave me hope that this would not be a cheap knock-off. Anyway, the story takes place twenty-something years after the original, in 1972, Ralph is an aspiring novelist with two kids of his own who learns that just before Christmas that his "Old Man" has died. So, it's back to Indiana to settle affairs, celebrate Christmas, and, not incidentally, write the Old Man's obituary for the local newspaper.
The movie has many of the same characters and tropes from the original, adult Billingsly exhibits the same facial expressions as the kid Billingsly did, and his voice over narration of the story does full justice the the job that author Jean Shepard did in the original.
If you liked "A Christmas Story", and who didn't, I cannot imagine you not liking "A Christmas Story Christmas."
Three Stars from The Grandstander.
Monday, December 19, 2022
Futbol and Football
The 2024 World Cup, oh, excuse me, the 2024 FIFA World Cup came to a thrilling conclusion yesterday when Argentina defeated France on penalty kicks (more on that in a bit) after the teams played to a 3-3 tie after 90 minutes regulation time, plus 30 minutes of overtime. The backstories here were the final appearance on the World Cup stage by Argentina's Lionel Messi, 35, perhaps the world's best player who lacked only a World Cup championship on his resume, and his heir apparent, 24 year old Kylian Mbappe of France.
- Eagles 13-1
- Bills 11-3
- Chiefs 11-3
- Bengals 10-4
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Reviews: "The Fabelmans" and "The Crown"
Before getting to the normal business of this Blog - sports, movie, TV, and book reviews, and obituaries - I need to acknowledge one very important and very personal event that took place one week ago today, on December 3, 2022:
Yep, Linda and I made it official and got married. There is great joy in our lives.
Okay, on to the usual business. It has been awhile since I've offered any reviews for you, so here are two of them.
Some observations:
- With the exception of the Queen herself, the Windsors are one batshit crazy family.
- Throughout the series, members of the Royal Family, Charles and Diana especially, are shown getting in their cars and driving all by themselves. No driver, no security guy in the car with them, and no palace entourage following them. Could this possibly be true? Do Will and Kate drive around solo today? (We know that Harry and Megan do when they need to make a run to the local Target in California.)
- Debicki is an absolute clone of Diana, right down to the doe-eyed upward look while her head is bowed downward.
- One of the best critiques of the show was of Dominic West. "He's way too handsome to play Prince Charles."
- One episode depicted Princess Margaret rekindling her relationship with the true love of her life, Peter Townsend. The actor playing Townsend looked familiar, but it wasn't until I saw the credits that I realized that it was one-time double-naught spy, Timothy Dalton. Bond. James Bond, himself.
- There was a scene in the last episode where Charles shows up, alone, of course, at Diana's place, where she too is alone, shortly after the finalization of the divorce. They have one of those where-did-we-go-wrong conversations, she attempts to make him an omelet (must have been the cook's day off), screws it up, makes scrambled eggs instead, and they continue their heart-to-heart until Chuck storms off in huff. It was an interesting scene, but I can't believe for a single moment that any conversation remotely resembling it ever actually happened.
- This season also depicted a warm grandmother/grandson relationship between Elizabeth and William. I hope that that is true, but at the same time, I find it hard to imagine.
- History has painted Diana as a sympathetic figure, deservedly so, but if there is any truth at all to her depiction in "The Crown", she was as big a screwball as any of the other Windsors.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Steelers 24 - Colts 17 and the Updated Grandstander Power Rankings
Circumstances prevented me from watching any football on Sunday afternoon (yes, we DO have a social life!), but I did watch the Sunday night game and the Eagles 40-33 dismantling (score not indicative of Philly's dominance) of the Packers. That is one damn good football team and Jalen Hurts has to be the lead candidate for MVP right now.
- Eagles (10-1)
- Chiefs (9-2)
- Cowboys (8-3)
- Vikings (9-2)
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
"Just Shoot the Ball, Willya!" and Other Soccer Thoughts
This comment of Errey's came to mind as I watched the the USA and Wales play to a 1-1 draw in their opening game of the World Cup. The final stats showed that over the course of the entire match, a match that lasted over 100 minutes with stoppage time, Team USA managed a grand total of 1, as in ONE!!!, shot on goal. Now if you are a glass-half-full kind of guy, you can say, "Hey, the made 100% of their shots", but really, one lousy shot over 100 minutes?
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Betting the Process with Jeff Ma
Okay, I know that many of you may be asking, "Who is Jeff Ma?" Some background.
If you have not read the 2003 book by Ben Mizrich called "Bringing Down The House", you should. It tells the story of six MIT math students who formed a "blackjack team"and then proceeded to, well, bring down the house at various Las Vegas casinos using an expert knowledge of mathematical probabilities and an ability to count cards to their advantage. What they did was not illegal, but the casinos didn't like it, and all six have been barred from ever entering those casinos again. It's a great book. One of those six students was Jeff Ma.
I would listen to Jeff make his selections each week, and I would then bet one unit on each game. Okay, a "unit" in my particular case is $1. I'm not crazy. The season is now ten weeks old and Jeff has made fifty such bets, a fair sample size, for the TK listeners. How has it worked out?
Through three weeks of the season, if you bet with Jeff Ma, you were up 14%, 19.2% through four weeks, and 18.5% through five weeks. Jeff then hit a rough patch and four of the next five weeks his picks posted losing records.
Through ten weeks, Ma's record is 25-23-2, and you are in a virtual break even position, but six tenths of one percent in the red nonetheless.
What does this prove? Does it prove that analytical analysis isn't all that much better than just flipping a coin or going with the team with the coolest uniform colors when you decide what teams you're going to wager on any given weekend? Probably not, but who knows? In my own football wagering this year, I am 24-28-1 on NFL games and 33-26 on college games, 57-54-1 overall.
I will continue betting with Jeff Ma through the remainder of the season. If it does prove to be profitable, maybe next year I'll go nuts and bet two or maybe even three bucks on his games.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
The Latest GPR and Some Other NFL Thoughts
- Vikings (8-1)
- Eagles (8-1)
- Chiefs (7-2)
- Dolphins (7-2)
- Knocking On The Door.....Bills 6-3, Cowboys 6-3, Giants 7-2, Titans 6-3
- Prior to the Steelers-Saints game, I posted on Facebook: "Looking forward to seeing Andy Dalton throwing his trademark Soul Crushing Interception afternoon. The #bengalsdna will show itself." The Red Rifle didn't let me down and he threw not one, but two such interceptions that afternoon, and the Steelers won their third game of the seasons.
- How about the Colts? After being ridiculed all week for hiring Jeff Saturday out of his chair at ESPN to be their interim coach, they pull off a 25-20 win over the Raiders. The Colts aren't any good, they appear to be tanking this year, and Saturday could be back at his post in Bristol next season, but for one day, anyway, that had to be a pretty sweet win.
- As for the Raiders, wow. A playoff team last year with high expectations for 2022, they are now a 2-7 dumpster fire.
- I never got around to do it, but after Week 9, I wanted to write a piece talking about the decline of quarterbacks Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady, Not so fast, my friend. Rodgers rebounded last week with a strong performance and a win over the Cowboys. As far as Brady goes, watching him lead a sixty yard drive down field in 35 seconds with no timeouts and touchdown to beat the Rams, I will say this: his skills may have eroded this season, but as they say in the old country song "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was." With a game on the line with two minutes to go in the fourth quarter, is there any other QB in the league that you would want instead of Tom Brady? Patrick Mahomes, maybe, but I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head.
- What if someone came to you before the season began and said "After ten weeks of the season, the Steelers would have the same record as the defending Super Bowl champion Rams. I hope that Steelers fans would have read the fine print before signing on for that, because the Steelers and Rams are indeed tied with records of 3-6. The Rams put all of their eggs in one basket last year to go for a Super Bowl, and they succeeded, but right now, Rams fans and even the Rams themselves have to be asking....

- I don't know about you, but I am very much looking forward to tonight's Thursday night game between the Titans and Packers. Tennessee could stake a real claim to inclusion in the GPR Top Four with an impressive win, and how that plays out will depend on which Aaron Rodgers shows up at Lambeau tonight, the one who engineered that upset of Dallas last week, or the guy at the controls through that five game losing streak that preceded that Cowboys game.
Monday, November 14, 2022
Following your hometown team on the road is something that I have never done, and I found it to be an incredibly cool experience, and we were not alone, far from it. The proximity of Washington to Pittsburgh makes a game at the Cap One Arena a virtual home game for the Penguins. We met a couple of Pens fans from Harrisburg who said it's closer for them to come see the Pens play in DC than is would be in Pittsburgh.
That the Pens won 4-1 was a bonus, and when the victory became apparent, we got a text from our friend Tim Baker who said "Now you have to head over the The Steps." In a tradition that began during one of the Pens' Cup years, Penguins fans head across the street the steps of the National Portrait Gallery to cheer for the victory and harass - in a good natured manner - the Caps and their fans.
Here's Linda as the crowd begins to gather....
...and coalesce into a full scale mob....
As we were standing in line to get into the Arena for the hockey game, I said "I wonder when the Wizards are playing next?". A check of the schedule showed that they would be at home the very next night playing the Dallas Mavericks. Again, a few clicks on the phone, and we had tickets to see the Wizards go up against the Mavs and their superstar player, Luka Doncic.
We had really nice seats for the game, and the home team Wizards won 113-105, but the disappointment of the night was seeing Doncic held to only 17 points and, in fact, play pretty poorly. Three nights later, Doncic put up 44 points and had a triple double. Oh well, even superstars can have off nights, and as I always say, nothing is guaranteed when you buy a ticket to a sporting event.
Both the Caps and the Wizards games were played to crowds of 18,000 plus.
Before that basketball game on Thursday, we did some sightseeing that included seeing Hamilton (the statue of the first Treasury Secretary, not the musical). the White House, Washington Monument, World War II Memorial (a must see), the Viet Nam War Memorial, and one of my favorite spots, the Lincoln Memorial.
Monday, November 7, 2022
Farewell to Twitter
Monday, October 31, 2022
Random Thoughts.....and an Absent Friend, Jerry Lee Lewis
Cleaning out the Mental In-Box.....
Quick hit football thoughts:
- Another rough day at the office yesterday for Steelers rookie quarterback Kenny Pickett. His stat line through five games: 67.9% complete rate, 2 TD's, 5 INT's. How much of this is Pickett's fault, how much is the O-line's fault, how much is it the game plan's (ahem, we're looking at you, Matt Canada) fault?
- (Speaking of rookie QB's stat lines, how 'bout this one: 14 games, 38.1% completion rate, 6 TD, 24 INT. Steelers fans will instantly recognize the 1970 season of Terry Bradshaw. That turned out alright.)
- Steelers entering their bye week, so they have two weeks to try and figure something, anything, out.
- Myron Cope always took the position on his talk show that he "never fires coaches", and he knew more about that kind of stuff than I do, so I won't either, but, man, it sure seems apparent that something just ain't right with the Steelers offensive way of doing things. (We're looking at you, Matt Canada) By just about any metric that you care to use, this year's Steelers are the worst offensive team in the NFL. It becomes more apparent when you watch other NFL games and see those teams throwing downfield to fast and talented receivers. You know, like how Jalen Hurts and A.J. Brown undressed the Steelers yesterday. I watched Kenny Pickett for five years at Pitt, and I KNOW that he can throw the ball downfield. Why won't the Steelers let him do that to guys like Chase Claypool, Dionte Johnson, and rookie George Pickens, who may be better that both of the first two guys?
- Speaking of things the Steelers don't do that other teams do, how about running backs who can rip off gains of 7, 8, 10, or more yards several times a game? Watching Green Bay play Buffalo last night and seeing their RB's in action made me want to cry.
- No one was more enthusiastic about the drafting of Najee Harris last year, but be honest now, who has been better (and this is damning with faint praise, I realize) at the position thus far, Harris or Jaylen Warren? It can't ALL be the fault of the linemen, can it?
- How much fun is it watching the Buffalo Bills? Josh Allen surely is the leading contender for MVP after eight weeks of the season, unless....
- ....the leading contender is Jalen Hurts of the Eagles. The Eagles are undefeated, and Hurts and Company sure laid an ass-kicking on the Steelers yesterday, which, to use the phrase a second time, may be damning with faint praise.
- And how about the performances of Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers so far? Plenty of season left to be proven wrong, of course, but it seems that these two have all of a sudden "gotten old" and are approaching the end.
- Eagles
- Bills
- Chiefs
- Cowboys
Jerry Lee Lewis was known as the Killer, and it wasn’t a casual sobriquet — a schoolmate called him that after he tried to strangle a teacher. He once shot his bass player in the chest; just about all of his seven wives, including one who was a child, said he beat them; and there’s a lingering suspicion that he murdered wife No. 5. He was the very model of a high-functioning sociopath and somehow defied hard living, drug and alcohol abuse, and serious health problems to make it well into his ninth decade.
The pianist, singer, and showman, who was one of the three or four people who decisively ushered in the rock-and-roll era — and utterly personified an unbridled and dangerous part of the music — died today, his family announced. He was 87 and, after the death of Little Richard in 2020, the last man standing from the dawn of rock and roll.