Thursday, August 24, 2017

"Harold and Lillian: A Hollywood Love Story"

We saw this terrific documentary film yesterday.  It is the story of Harold and Lillian Michelson.  You probably never heard of them, but they are Hollywood Royalty, albeit behind-the-scenes royalty.

Harold was a guy who did story boards for movies.  You might say that he is the guy who first visualized how a scene in a movie should look, and it his work - the work of all storyboard artists, actually - that the cinematographer and director transfer onto film.  The list of movies that Harold worked on comprise a verifiable Hall of Fame of wonderful movies, but just to give you one idea, here is how Michelson visualized a scene in "The Graduate" that director Mike Nichols turned into one of the most iconic film images of the last half of the twentieth century:

See what I mean?

Lillian Michelson became a film researcher and over the course of over fifty years, her film research library became THE place to go for any filmmaker whenever they wanted to make sure that every detail of a movie was done right.  When the producers of the Shrek movies needed to name the King and Queen in the tale, it was in homage to the Michelsons that they were called King Harold and Queen Lillian.

And while this movie is all about their film work, it is also all about their love story of a marriage that lasted for over sixty years.  Touching, funny, and informative.  It isn't easy to find documentary films out there, but if you are a movie fan, it would be well worth your time to seek this one out and watch it.  Three and One-Half Stars from The Grandstander.

Here's the trailer to whet your appetite....

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