Sunday, December 8, 2019

"The Laundromat"

We watched this movie on Netflix on Friday night.  It was, to say the least, and interesting movie, and I am not sure I can even tell you what it was about.  Money laundering? Corruption in the tangled relationships among lawyers, bankers, and insurance and financial services companies?  Corrupt political systems both here and abroad? It was funny in parts, sad in parts, and it made you feel both angry and helpless against "the system."  It stars Academy Award winners Meryl Streep and Gary Oldman, as well as Antonio Banderas, James Cromwell, and an almost unrecognizable Sharon Stone in a minor role.

WARNING:  If you lean to the right, and like wearing a red baseball cap with gold lettering that promotes a certain political agenda, don't bother seeing this one because you will hate it.  You've been warned.

Two and one-half Stars from The Grandstander.

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