Thursday, April 23, 2020

"The Good Liar" (2019)

We spent Day #37 of self-isolation by doing something that we always did in more normal time - we watched a (relatively) new movie.

"The Good Liar" was released in late 2019.  We were attracted to it from seeing its trailer many times, but it was one of those flicks that just got lost in the year-end movie crush.  Last night, we made up for that oversight (thank you, Prime), and, in addition to it being a pretty good movie, it felt good be doing something that was always such a part of our life.

Directed by Bill Condon, it stars Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen as a pair of widowed seniors who meet up via a computer dating service.  They hit it off and seem be settling into a nice relationship of comfortable companionship, despite the qualms of Mirren's grandson.  You learn early on that McKellen is really a con artist out to fleece the wealthy widow Mirren.  However, perhaps SHE isn't what she purports to be either.

There are a lot of layers to this story, and to reveal any of them would be spoiling the story, so I will just tell you to settle in and enjoy the ride, and enjoy a couple of good performances by a couple of true old pros, Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen.  Oh, and for fans of Downton Abbey, Jim Carter plays one of McKellen's associates in a role that would certainly not meet the approval of Mr. Carson!

Three Stars from The Grandstander.

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