Sunday, August 7, 2022

It's "-30-" for Tony Norman at the Post-Gazette

Today's edition of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette contained the disheartening news, at least for its readers, that columnist Tony Norman would be leaving the PG, and that TODAY'S COLUMN would be his final one at the paper.   The Insight section of today's edition not only contained his final column, but a page full of tributes from current and past writers at the PG.  All of them were well deserved. The one thing that each of them mentioned was his booming and infectious laugh.  That's a great quality to have.

Norman served as voice in the editorial wilderness into which the PG had wandered over the last two election cycles, and his strong opinions on national and local politics, racial standards and attitudes both locally and nationally, and even fun stuff like movies, books, comic books, and even Bob Dylan made him a reason to keep subscribing to the Post-Gazette.

The good news is that Norman is not retiring.  He will be doing a column for an online publication called NEXTpittsburgh and starting this Fall, a podcast with another former PG writer, Natalie Bencivenga.  So his voice will continue to be heard in the community, and that is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Brother Bob. I appreciate your very kind words.
