Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Golf Story

Our Tuesday Retiree Golf Group convened at Scenic Valley Golf course in Finleyville yesterday.  The foursome in which I played was the first of our groups to go out and we found ourselves playing behind a group of four older gentleman.  Yes, they were older than we were, which slowed down the pace of play a bit, but what the hell, it was a beautiful Fall day and we were playing golf, so no complaints.

Because of a commitment that Marilyn and I had last evening, I had to cut my round short, and I only played nine holes.  As I was washing up in the rest room before heading home, I encountered one of the gents who was in the foursome in front of us.  I asked him of he was about to head out for their back nine.  

"No" he said, "I've found that I am a pretty much just a nine hole golfer now that I'm in my nineties."  

"Are you serious?", I asked, while doing  a classic double take.  If I'd been drinking at the time I'd have done a classic Danny Thomas spit-take.

"Yep, I'm ninety-three."

Honestly, if you had seen this guy playing golf, or even just stood there talking to him, you'd have said he was maybe in his late seventies, and you'd have been mildly surprised if you'd have been told he was over eighty.

So, God bless this guy, and his playing partners, who were probably in the same general age range.

Moral of the Story?  Well, I'm not sure, but it has inspired me to keep playing golf for as long as I possibly can.

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