- It is hysterically funny. Both Marilyn and I were laughing out loud throughout the movie.
- Yes, it is about a bridesmaids and a wedding, but it is most definitely NOT your standard chick-flick, romantic comedy.
- It is rated R, and it is a hard R, so be prepared for that.
- It proves that groups of women together talk just like groups of guys.
- Once this comes out on DVD, we will buy it. This is one you want to see again.
- Go to a matinee when it isn't so crowded. If you go when the theater is full, you'll miss half the lines from people laughing so loudly.
- It's really, REALLY funny.
There you are, don't miss this one.
I have been advised by my wife to add one other note: The R rating could also stand for "raunchy." Yes, the humor is raunchy, but still VERY funny.