Friday, February 15, 2013

On Swimsuits and Sports Illustrated

The annual Swimsuit Issue of Sports Illustrated  arrived yesterday.  Now, let me stipulate the following:  (a) I am no prude, at least I don't think I am, and (b) I enjoy looking at pictures of pretty girls and beautiful women as much as anyone.

That said, who is Sports Illustrated kidding?  This issue is not about fashion, it is not about swimming and swimsuits, and it is most definitely not about sports.  This is nothing more than high grade soft core porn, and all of SI's posturing that it is not is just so much boosh-wah (to use a technical term).

No, I will not be one of those outraged subscribers who annually write letters to the SI editor demanding that my subscription be canceled, which I guess makes me a hypocrite, but I can tell you that the SI Swimsuit Issue is resting in the recycling bin in my garage right now.


  1. I too will send it to the receylving bin - in about 6 months.

  2. You should scope it out a second or even third time just to make sure your original assessment is validated.
