Sunday, January 2, 2011

Comments from Washington DC

Washington Post sports columnist Len Shapiro is retiring from the Post. While much of his farewell column pertains to local DC sports people, his comments on sports media in general, particularly on the four letter colossus in Bristol, CT, are interesting and worth reading.


1 comment:

  1. People say that "Opinions are like A________, everyone has one!" I'm not familiar with Mr. Shapiro's writings, but I have some trouble reconciling his (oh so popular) opinions on ESPN's "cliche'-ridden" sportscasters with statements about DC "talent" such as:
    "On the local front, how fortunate have we all been to have ...... Frank, Sonny and Sam on Redskins radio, Ron Weber, Joe Beninati and Craig "Biscuit in the Basket" Laughlin on the Capitals, etc."
    I guess it's OK for the local hacks (above) to forget about facts and objectivity as long as they root for the locals. Have you ever heard the Redskins' broadcasters? I have. They're awful! Boooo (not as in Boo-yah).
