Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Night at the Movies - "Dirty Harry"

I will give my NFL Playoffs, Week One, thoughts tomorrow, but after a weekend of football, I decided to take in a movie tonight, 1971's Clint Eastwood classic, "Dirty Harry." Not long ago, I found a two disc DVD set that contained the first four Dirty Harry movies in the ten dollar bin at Target. What a deal! When I saw that, as Harry might put it, I felt lucky.

Lots of action, lots of violence, and no gray areas about the good guys and the bad guys. It had been a long time since I'd seen this flick, and I didn't remember it being such a dark movie, not only in the mood, but it really was dark. Could barely see the people on many of the scenes, it was so dark. Anyway, after this one, looks like I'm gonna have to knock back the other three movies in short order.

Yeah, I do feel lucky.

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